Kala Kukea Canoe Challenge Sponsored by Hui Nalu Canoe Club



  • Course / Divisions - 
  •         Short Course - 6 Mile Course | 
  •         Long Course - 8 Mile Course | 
  • Date and Time - Saturday, April 26th Race Start: 8:30am / Coaches Meeting: 8:00am
  • Fees - $180 per crew
  • Payment - Payment can be made the day of via cash or check made payable to Hui Nalu Canoe Club.
  • Online Registration - 
  •         To register a crews, please use the RD LD Crew Registration link.
  •         All paddlers MUST be validated in the HCRA System or will need to pay an additional day-of registration rate of $35.
  •         Crews need NOT belong to the same club to participate in OHCRA preseason races together.
  • In-person Registration - Check in w/ TEAM KOKUA for canoe assignments and last minute registration. | Registration opens at 730am.
  • Race Flier


  • OHCRA rules will apply. You must be a registered member of HCRA.
  • Out of State clubs must provide COI with club name and OHCRA as additional insured (Paddlers names must be listed as club members)
  • Crews affiliated with an out-of-state club are subject to approval
  • Canoes must have their racing number displayed on the right front of canoe
  • Your club is responsible for removing all tires and rubbish from rigging site to avoid a fine


  • All crews will consist of 6 paddlers of the same gender except for mixed crews which shall have 3 male and 3 female.
  • An Open crew (non-age limiting) can include up to 3 Jrs paddlers ages (15-17yo).

Race Background:  The Kala Kukea Ironman challenge had its first year in 1996, honoring him just 3 months after his passing. Kala was a Rescue Captain with the Honolulu Fire Department, and long time Hui Nalu Canoe club co-coach for over 25 years. Upon graduating from Kamehameha Schools, Kala won an honorary Appointment to West Point. After commissioning in the Infantry and Airborne Ranger Schools, Kala came back to Hawaii to be assigned to the 25th Infantry Division at Schofield Barracks. Shortly after, Kala was deployed to Vietnam, where he lead platoons and a company into combat. He also served as Company executive Officer Candidate School in Ft. Banning. Georgia.

His military background included being awarded two Bronze stars, the Air Medal, the Combat Infantry badge and a Purple Heart. In the early 70s, Kala joined the Honolulu Fire department, and in 1975 was assigned to the Special Rescue Squad, where his unit continued to save numerous lives throughout his career. Kala`s son, Nalu, continues in Kala`s footsteps as a firefighter, a champion paddler and a person of great Integrity.

In his honor, and continued respect for his family, son Nalu and grandchildren, Hui Nalu is proud to be able to continue this race annually.